Usher sends letter to fansite for posting articles from MediaTakeOut

Publish date: 2024-06-20

When someone personally attacks you, especially when it’s done online or through the media, unless you can absolutely avoid it the best thing to do is to ignore them. Especially if you’re famous. If you’re famous, chances are not many people would have heard the accusations against you – unless you stupidly bring attention to them by addressing them. This is what Usher did last week in his dumb ass “open letter” to “bloggers” and people who dissed his relationship with his pregnant fiance, Tameka Foster.

The NY Daily News reports today that Usher is responding to fan site, but either the Daily News and/or Usher are confused, because all Usherforever does is reprint news articles from notoriously sketchy gossip site along with other articles that have positive coverage. Granted the usability on Usherforever is incredibly bad, but I couldn’t find a single original article dissing Usher – it’s all from MediaTakeOut and clearly labeled as such.

The Daily News says that Usher’s lawyer sent papers to UsherForever, probably a cease and desist. Again, their efforts are misguided and MediaTakeOut should be held responsible for content that came from their site.

Rolling Stone had a pretty good article commenting on Usher’s stupid “open letter” to fans and advising stars to keep their mouths shut:

For a guy named for a profession that involves lots of shushing, Usher sure doesn’t know when to just shut up. Rather than let the controversy surrounding his recent career moves (firing his manager mom, getting engaged after impregnating his fiancé, possibly threatening a radio host) dissipate in time, Usher has opted to publish an open letter justifying his actions and requesting privacy. But rather than posting the letter on his Web site, where only the most rabid Usherphiles would read and understand it, Usher went to People magazine, thus exposing his life to a far larger audience.

Usher joins a long list of artists who have penned open letters, with mixed results. So here’s our open letter to rock stars thinking about writing open letters: Don’t do it. They’re petty, they rarely accomplish their intended goal and they stick around in our memories forever.

[From, but this f’ing article took me 15 minutes to find because UsherForever didn’t list the link and disabled right clicks, along with RollingStone’s internal search engine sucking.]

So Usher is further alienating his fans by accusing them of smack-talking that originated somewhere else, and getting his panties in a twist over it.

Rumors about Usher that probably piss him the hell off include the fact that Tameka convinced him to fire his manager mom and that she’s pregnant with another man’s child and Usher knows about it. Tameka is also said to be super mad at this unflattering picture of her that was shown on Usherforever, and is obviously from MediaTakeOut. Maybe if UsherForever would actually link to their source articles and let people leave their site they wouldn’t be getting rude letters from Usher’s lawyer.

