Perez Hilton admits he called a fag before he got a beat down

Publish date: 2024-06-23

Perez Hilton has recorded an 11 minute account of his alleged argument with and subsequent attack by the manager of the Black Eyed Peas. If this wasn’t my job, there is no way I would sit through the entire video. Perez pouts like a small child and gets all worked up. He says that he had a verbal altercation with at a club after the musician told him not to write about his band on his website. Perez then called a “fag” multiple times but adds “I didn’t want to get into a fight with this person.” He sounds truly indignant and upset that he finally got a beat down outside the club by the manager of the Black Eyed Peas:

“I’ve been doing this for five years now and nothing like this has ever happened to me.”

“ made a video and he lied. is a coward and a disgusting human being for lying.”

“I have 10 million plus people that visit my website every day. I don’t need press, I don’t need publicity. I don’t need or want this. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t deserve this. I like writing about other people’s drama, I don’t want drama in my own life… [according to Perez] “I need you to never write about my band on your website again…”

“He’s like ‘you need to respect me…'”

“‘You know what, no… I don’t respect you.’

“That’s when I made the split second decision that I was going to say the worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear. I was standing my ground without being violent or physical which I would never do.

“I told him, ‘you know what, I don’t need to respect you, and you’re a fag. You’re gay and stop being such a faggot.’

“I knew it was going to set him off but I didn’t want to get into a fight with this person.

“We leave the club. As soon as we leave, there’s again outside the club. He followed us outside.

“Then his manager, Polo.. from behind comes up to me, clocks me in the eye right here and punches me two or three times…

“I am in shock… I touch my eye and it was bleeding. I think my eye might be falling out of my head…

“Nothing like this has ever happened before. It is unacceptable and talk about unprofessional…

“ f’ck you, you f’cking lied, you f’cking motherf’cker.

[Roughly transcribed from video posted on Perez Hilton’s site]

Violence is never the answer and no one deserves to get hit. That said, it’s ripe hearing Perez call people unprofessional and getting all upset that someone punched him. He’s been trash talking people for years and this kind of seems inevitable. I love how he claims he thought his eyeball was going to fall out.’s video, in contrast, has him saying calmly that it didn’t go down that way:

“This dude twists it and says that I assaulted him, when I was the one who came to him with respect and he was the one that called me a faggot outside the club.

“I hit you Perez? Come on dude I didn’t hit you…

“Apparently you were bleeding outside the club. I was like next you to by a tree waiting for my car. instead of calling the police you twitted that I assaulted you.

“Sounds like somebody wants mad attention and is not really concerned about his health. I didn’t hit you and this is very wrong that you are twitting that I did that. Once again disrespecting me and everything I stand for…

“Shame on you… that’s just messed up.”

[Transcribed from’s video posted on Dipdive via TMZ]

Team all the way. He is telling the truth – he didn’t hit Perez. Maybe he doesn’t even know his manager is the one who did.

Here are a bunch of screenshots from Perez’s video.
